Please support our business by booking a phone or video treatment


Phone calls and video calls; it’s been something we’ve been aiming to launch for a while now and this social isolation has given us that push we needed!
We still maintain that human touch and physical connection is hugely important, but for those of us that are now in the confines of our homes, we need to stay connected somehow.

Solitary existence can have huge effects on mental health, even for people with no pre-existing struggles. It’s very important that you reach out to friends and family, even if just for a ten minute chat.

Information on our phone and video treatment sessions is now live, and you can read in full what we’re offering here.

These calls are useful also for people with mobility issues and would have struggled to get to us, or for those nervous about coming in for a sensual massage. You can use the calls to ask those burning questions you’ve always wanted to ask about intimacy, sexual health and pleasure, discuss things you feel you can’t with friends or family.

Through guided breathing, self touch and self arousal, we can bring that indulgent sensual massage experience to the comfort of you home. All you need is yourself and a quiet, comfortable space.

Let’s use this time to learn how to give back to ourselves, explore our bodies in ways that we’re normally to busy to pursue. Use the opportunity to try out a new lube, sex toy or sexual position. I’ll be writing a blog post shortly about using your time in isolation to learn how to touch yourself.

We look forward to your enquiry and working with you to help you make the most of your body, whatever your situation.

All the best on your pleasure journey.