
Sexual health and sexual pleasure is for everybody; women, men, trans and non-binary people, individuals and couples.

It is our right to know and understand our bodies.

Intimate physical therapy is an opportunity to relax and let your body do what is does naturally, there are no expectations of orgasm or judgement of you. We offer a space where you can explore and understand your body and the pleasure it brings completely selfishly.

We’re all so busy with everyday lives that we often forget to stop and look after ourselves, we may go to the gym or update our hairstyle or try to eat better, but how often is sexual health considered - not just pregnancy, contraception and STIs? Sex is about full body sensations and stimulation in places you didn’t consider, not just penetration, as the media would make us think.
Amy Gledhill Intimate Physical Therapy is a local Leicestershire small business that offers physical therapy for sexual health. Either an intimate bodywork treatment that covers all areas of the body and a chance to reconnect with yourself and explore intimacy on a different level or phone, video or face to face guidance, workshops and techniques to improve issues.
Amy and Mike are a loving, ethically non-monogamous married couple and offer treatments to all genders individually or together, depending on your preference. They are both qualified Swedish Massage therapists with an IICT approved training provider and are committed to offering you a unique intimate bodywork treatment or workshop that is therapeutic and education, leaving you feeling confident, educated, blissfully relaxed and re-energised.



Amy Gledhill (they/them) is a therapist that cares about human sensuality. Simply being touched is intimate, so why not include the whole body, work all muscles into relaxation and enjoy the reactions that come with building sensuality up slowly. Our bodies change over time, it’s important to relearn how they work and what they need.
I've always had a fascination with sex and sex therapy. It's not talked about enough, we're not educated enough about our own bodies.
Every person deserves to understand their body, the pleasure it can bring you, what it can achieve.”

Amy Gledhill - Sensual Touch Massage.JPG

“My goal is to help you find this understanding through touch and intimate bodywork. To improve your solo sex life and relationships or rediscover your needs after stresses or a change.

Sex isn't all about 'sex', sex is everything surrounding that, it's just as much about what goes on in your mind.

Through one to one treatments, workshops or as a couple, I'll help you find your pleasure, with the goals of enjoyment and discovery, orgasms are just a bonus.

“My background is in physics and astronomy, burlesque performing and modelling, and until losing my health and my job, I wasn’t sure what my passion was. Some circumstances force you to take a step back and look at what is right for you. I also had problems with my own sexual health, particularly situational anorgasmia, which is where you struggle to let go and orgasm when in certain scenarios. For me it was an inability to truly express myself and I was holding myself back with partners. After a psycho-sensual counselling session and massage treatment with Colin Richards at Intimacy Matters (who has 20 years experience in psycho-sensual counselling and massage therapy), I found I’d learnt a lot about myself and gained confidence in me and my body. I realised I wanted to help other people do similar, whatever their issues may be - from anorgasmia and premature ejaculation, to lack of intimacy, to simply exploring their own sexuality and sensuality. I already had a connection to the adult work world being involved in the kink and fetish scene, so I volunteered as a sensual massage receiver for a group workshop to really understand what my clients would be experiencing and undertook a one to one sensual massage course with Colin to learn techniques on how to give an intimate treatment. I then completed a diploma in Swedish Body Massage to learn how to give a professional and safe massage. I’ve now been performing intimate bodywork treatments since February 2018 and given more appointments than I could count, I love learning, so I regularly update my skills and practice.”

Michael Rollason (he/they)
”They say your world can change by meeting just one person; one person who makes the first stone tumble before a landslide. This metaphor is particularly apt for me and my life so far. I spent my 20’s doing the normal things, studying, partying, working towards a future, but I did all of this alone. With no significant other in my life for nearly a decade my perceptions of life and love became very warped in quite a negative way as I was starved of intimacy both physical and emotional.

How things have changed since then. I am in an incredible relationship where I have learnt more about myself and intimacy in general than I have ever before. This new found appreciation for relationships and the people you make them with has reignited my passion for helping people, and spreading happiness in all its forms.


“Through massage I hope to give individuals a special sense of happiness and euphoria, one that is unique to them.

I am an open minded and understanding person, and within the setting of intimate massage look to explore clients desires and curiosities in a safe, judgement free environment at a comfortable, pleasurable pace, all under the banner of open and honest communication.”

“With communication I develop that intimate bond with those I see, which makes the experience that more meaningful, and is one of the key reasons I do intimate massage. Although the massage is sexual in nature, for me it is not an overly sexual experience. Being able to give someone that wonderful feeling of pleasure and relaxation gives me a great sense of deep happiness. I know how good it can feel so being able to give it to others is magically rewarding.”