Our New Home and Treatment Studio


Myself and Mike have finally moved into our lovely new home in Bagworth, Leicestershire where we have set up a comfortable treatment studio space which is perfect for relaxation, learning and exploration.

You can now get to us easily, we’re just under ten minutes away from Junction 22 of the M1 motorway and have off-road parking discretely behind the house.

As restrictions for COVID safety are now being lifted by the government, I want to stress that we as a business and personally are still doing all we can to ensure the risk of catching and being seriously ill with the coronavirus is as low as possible. It has been great not having a cold or worse for the last year or so and I’d like this to continue.

  • We have both been double (both now quadruple) vaccinated - this does not stop COVID from being caught but it does prevent serious hospitalisation. A reminder that I, Amy, am severely immunocompromised so do not put our health at risk as I want to be able to continue working.

  • Face coverings will still be mandatory in our treatment studio even when the government says they are just recommended and not required. You must wear a mask/face covering at all times, before, (*no longer during) and after the treatment. There will be a pillow case through the head-rest for you to breathe into to contain droplets whilst face down. There are no exceptions here unfortunately even for those who are mask exempt, no mask, no treatment. Please bring your own with you, we will not be providing them. Your therapist will wear a face covering throughout.

  • I have only ever seen a maximum of 2 clients per day and this won’t change, it gives me time to deep clean between each client but also ensure you don’t feel rushed and you receive all of my energy and attention that day.

  • Pre-appointment consultations will be face to face in the treatment studio but to minimise risk, we will try to keep this as brief as possible without rushing you.

  • The toilet is available for use but there is now a small charge of £5 to use the shower facilities before or after your treatment, or both. Please shower at home if you can.

  • We are now happy to take bookings for 4-hands treatments and for couples with a negative lateral flow test.

  • All treatments are requested through the booking system where you can either pay just the booking fee or the full amount. I am more than happy to accept cash for the remaining balance.

  • When you book, there will be a COVID-19 screening form that you will need to complete and I’ll be taking bookings up to 30 days in advance.

  • We have antibacterial hand gel for you to clean your hands with on arrival and you will have your temperature taken at the door. We will take our own temperature before each new client, you’re welcome to see us take our own for your comfort.

  • Please do not touch anything you don’t need to touch, we want to keep cleaning surfaces to a minimum where possible.

  • At the end of your appointment, please leave all used towels on the treatment table for us to launder safely.

  • Your therapists clothes will be changed and laundered between each client.

  • We recommend you bring a bottle of water with you to your appointment.

  • Virtual appointments via phone or video call are still an option for those that would prefer this to face to face sessions or are a distance client.

We hope you feel safe and comfortable in our new home studio, we will be here for the foreseeable future! If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.

I look forward to catching up with returning clients and meeting new ones,
